Glass House Bird Feeder
Created by Erica and Steven Moore
Watch birds nibble in this glass and brass design that can hang from a branch or stick to your window.
Arrives Tue, Jan 21 - Wed, Jan 22
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Independent Maker
Made from
brass, glass, rubber
8" L x 8" W x 8" H
Hand wash in hot soapy water & vinegar 2-3 times a year.
Installation Instructions:
1. Clean window glass prior to application.
2. Use a very tiny drop of cooking oil to lubricate your thumb and then rub the flat surface of suctions cups in 4 or 5 circular strokes before applying to the window. This leaves a film of oil that increases adhesion.
3. Position feeder on the window. First, apply top suction cup, second, apply left cup and third, apply right cup pushing gently on roof section directly toward the center of each cup. From inside the feeder, individually press each suction cup onto the window, holding firmly for about ten seconds, ensuring that all air has escaped. Take care NOT to push on the center of the back panel of glass. * You must check suction cups regularly to maintain adherence. *
4. You MUST use the wire provided for added security. After install, run the line from the top suction cup of your bird feeder to a small hook or nail at the top of your window frame
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