Maker Stories

This Just In-spiration: Meet Dottie Boscamp

August 21, 2017

Blowing glass is no small feat, but Colorado-based creator Dottie Boscamp makes it look easy. Using traditional glassblowing techniques, Dottie handcrafts elegant, colorful goods with a unique flair, among them her Speckled Glass Olive Oil Dispenser and Rainbow Candy Dish Bowl, both items new to our assortment. Between the need to blow, shape, color, and properly cool each piece, Dottie’s glassworks require true mastery—and yet they appear almost effortlessly delicate.

Here at UncommonGoods, we like to welcome our newest makers with a quick peek into their day-to-day lives and creative histories. Read on to learn a bit more about Dottie, including her exclusive POV on what music’s best to blow glass to.

When did you know you wanted to be an artist?

In 9th grade I started taking photography class. As soon as I saw the image appear on the paper in the darkroom, I was hooked! I loved creating something that wasn’t there before.

What was the most exciting thing about becoming a professional artist?

I think the most exciting thing is imagining a new piece of art, making it successfully, and then having customers like it enough to purchase it.

What does your typical day in the studio look like?

A typical day in my shop starts with cleaning and setting up the glass color for the day’s production. Then the big decision is what music to listen to! It has to be music that I don’t have to pay attention to the words, and has a good beat. James Brown and the Gipsy Kings are good ones to blow glass to. A glass blower also must have many cold beverages to drink and a plethora of fans to keep the body temperature cool. Finally, the first piece I make is going to be a warm up piece to get my brain ready for the day’s work.

Is there a trinket, talisman, or other inspirational object you keep near? If so, what is it and what does it mean to you?

My most inspirational object in my shop is my dog Ozzie. As soon as I heard that the bank was going to lend me the money to start a glass shop twelve years ago, I went to the humane society and bought Ozzie. He is the only other employee of my company and is in charge of motivation and relaxation.

Imagine you just showed your work to a kindergartner for the first time. What do you think they would say?

Usually children say, “You made that? How did you make it?” Pictures are very helpful to show kids how glass is formed.

What quote or mantra keeps you motivated?

Art for art’s sake. I think it keeps humans happy.

1 Comment

  • Reply Catherine Rogers October 11, 2017 at 11:36 am

    Love Dottie’s work – she is a amazing, her pieces are so fluid and beautiful! One can see the natural world shine through them!

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