Maker Stories

This Just In-spiration: Meet Dale Salvaggio Bradshaw

July 11, 2016

Dale Salvaggio Bradshaw | UncommonGoods
Our makers never fail to motivate us, encourage our creativity, and fill us with inspiration. So, when a new design enters our assortment, we’re always excited to learn more about the people behind the product.

What gets an artist going and keeps them creating is certainly worth sharing, and every great connection starts with a simple introduction. Meet Dale Salvaggio Bradshaw, creator of our new Flower Ring.

Flower Ring | UncommonGoods

When did you know you wanted to be a maker?
I’ve always followed a creative path. Creativity adds that little spark to my life that I crave. My friend gave me the ultimate compliment once when she said she loves to talk with me because I’m always thinking outside of the box. I’ve co-authored a book (Firestarters: 100 Job Profiles to Inspire Young Women), danced in regional musical theatre productions, and been an extra in movies.

I’ve had product ideas my whole life. It’s just the weird way my brain works. I’m energized when I think of a new product idea, or even when a friend shares their idea with me. From the time I was a little girl, my father and I have discussed new product ideas and better ways to do ordinary things…trying to figure out the next big thing!

Flower Ring | UncommonGoods
Designing this ring has been a new journey in creativity. From the creativity involved with the actual design, to designing a website and figuring out a market, this project has been and continues to be extremely fulfilling.
Flower Ring | UncommonGoods

What was the most exciting thing about becoming a professional maker?
Seeing my product produced for the first time and realizing it would work!!! My first prototype of the Flowering was 3D printed. I was amazed by the technology and then by realizing my concept actually worked. It was so exciting and the first step to making the dream a reality.

Dale Salvaggio Bradshaw | UncommonGoods
What does your typical day in the studio look like?
Every day is completely different. Sometimes I’ll work in my home office through the morning while the kids are at school, or I’ll shut the door in the evening and get my list done. I’m a big believer in lists! I’m on the computer a lot prepping for wedding festivals, editing my website, and posting flower ideas on social media.

Flower Ring | UncommonGoods
While I have a home office/studio, I actually work everywhere. I sketch product ideas on my back porch, set up photo shoots of different flowers in the ring using my daughter as my model (in my wedding dress!) or meet 3D designers in coffee shops. I type emails in the car waiting for carpool. The flexibility is liberating but a little ADD-feeling.

Is there a trinket, talisman, or other inspirational object you keep near? If so, what is it and what does it mean to you?

I recently posted a picture of a cicada on my office wall. After watching the movie Joy with Jennifer Lawrence, I was inspired when in one scene she read her children a book about the cicada and how it hibernated for 17 years and then came out this beautiful creature ready to take on the world. My eldest child is 17, so this spoke to me. I am finally at a time in my life where I can begin to think about myself again and act on my ideas and passions a little bit more. I feel like a cicada just out of hibernation!!!

Flower Ring | UncommonGoods
Imagine you just showed your work to a kindergartner for the first time. What do you think they would say?

I think they’d love it! Wearing a flower is whimsical, creative and fun…just like a kindergartner. They would have fun picking just the right flower, smelling it and then wearing it.

Flower Ring | UncommonGoods
What quote or mantra keeps you motivated?

I have so so many favorite quotes. The one that really resonates with me right now is “People don’t change, they reveal who they really are.” I’m also partial to flower quotes these days, due to my ring. I’m really loving this quote by Sensei Ogui: “A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. I just blooms.”

Flower Ring | UncommonGoods

Flower Ring | UncommonGoods | Buy it now

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