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Spring Cleaning

The Uncommon Life

Instagram Challenge: SPRING CLEANING

March 16, 2016

Instagram Challenge | Spring Cleaning | UncommonGoods | Square

The next Instagram Challenge theme is Spring Cleaning. As you may have noticed, our blog just went through its own spring clean. All winter long, the blog team rolled up their sleeves and brainstormed ways to de-clutter, reorganize, and redesign The Goods. We’re still clearing some dusty corners, but we can all agree that the blog looks better than ever. We now have a clean slate to introduce you to more artists, help you discover uncommon facts, immerse yourself in creative design, and get to know the people who keep UncommonGoods going strong.

Whether it’s organizing your home for the new season, or clearing your closet for an updated wardrobe, we want to see how you’re tackling the annual clean-up!

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8 Spring Cleaning Tips To Clean and Organize Your Way into a Fresh Season

March 15, 2016

Woo-hoo! Warmer weather is just around the corner, meaning, well, yes, barbecues and bikinis are on the way, but also… ’tis the season for home organization and spring cleaning. Fooey  Yay!

Looking for simple solutions for how to organize your home and keep your house clean? (Some of us believe that not cleaning is the simplest solution of all, but we really shouldn’t go there.) We’ve collected some good ideas, ranging from de-cluttering tips to a weekly cleaning schedule. These 8 steps will help you easily and effectively spring clean your way into the season. When you’re done, you can celebrate with some well-deserved cocktails or wine. (Of course, it would never, ever occur to us to suggest a bit of tippling while you’re cleaning. Nor have we ever done this ourselves!)

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