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Maker Stories

Handmade Jewelry in our Hometown

March 30, 2011

One of the wonderful things about working at UncommonGoods is getting to hang out in beautiful Brooklyn every day. Not only is Brooklyn our home, it’s also home to some incredibly talented artists.

Instead of letting all the Brooklyn pride well up until we burst, we decided to gush about a few of the artists that help make this borough great!

We’re kicking-off our “Made in Brooklyn” series with two local jewelry designers, Yayoi Inada, whose pieces contain little reminders to slow down (definitely something that can come in handy in a busy city like New York!) and Nguyen Le, who blends classic jewelry pieces with soft, knit accents.

Message in a Bottle
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The Uncommon Life

Silver: It’s pretty! It’s shiny! But, it isn’t cheap.

March 21, 2011

The votes are rolling in, and we’re excited that you’re speaking up and letting us know what you love, through our recently launched community voting app.

Your comments help us make better choices when it comes to what we feature on our website and in our catalogs, and we love the feedback that’s been coming in. A few comments and questions have been popping up time and time again, and we’re ready to get in on the conversation!

One of the big questions since we launched our voting tool is “Why is this silver item so expensive?”

Jump Rope Girl Necklace by Anna Sabino

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