The Uncommon Life

Uncommon Personalities: Meet Patrick Jean-Felix

October 1, 2014


Patrick Jean-Felix | UncommonGoods

 Patrick Jean-Felix, UncommonGoods Operations Team Lead

My hometown is…
Queens, NY

I’m inspired by…
LIFE. We only get one…better live it well!

My favorite process in the UncommonGoods warehouse is…
Packing and Machine. [The “machine” makes packing more efficient, because some of our very durable items can be packed up quickly, which saves us time and energy.]

If I could meet anyone, living or dead, I would choose…
Nelson Mandela.

If you could have 3 wishes granted, they would be…
To live long enough to see my sons grow to be very successful men, to win the Mega Million, and to have three more wishes.

When I was a kid my favorite television program was…
The A-Team.

Would you rather…give up all alcohol for the next 30 days, OR have to cook all of your own meals (no restaurants) for the next 30 days?
I rarely drink. Thirty days without a drink is a normal thing for me.

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