Gift Guides

Happy National Ice Tea Day!

June 10, 2010
Happy Hour Carafe

Apparently, June 10 is National Ice Tea Day! Fine by me, I luuuuuuuv me some ice tea.

My personal favorites are just plain ol’ sun tea (which is a 1,000 times better than any other kind of ice tea), sweet tea made with tons of sugar (as my Kentucky boyfriend tells me, you must,  absolutely must pour the sugar into the water while it is hot, don’t just dump it in at the end – it is not the same!). Iced peppermint tea is super refreshing and reminds me of being at a fancy  spa or salon. And I also love Arnold Palmers, which are half ice tea/half lemonade, and very, very tasty.

And let us not forget, presentation is everything!  For a simple and elegant (not to mention practical), go with the Happy Hour Carafe (pictured above). It’s double-walled insulation will keep tasty teas nice and cold – and you won’t get a sweaty bottle! The cap also doubles as a cup. I can imagine myself lounging poolside in Miami sipping iced tea out of my elegant carafe, being fanned by servants, ordering sorbet from my personal waiter…did I also mention I’m a millionaire in this fantasy?

Something more down-to-earth, and much more my personal style: the recycled windshield pitcher. I love the beautiful, subtle color and how wonderfully heavy and thick the glass is. Wouldn’t this look great on a big farm table outside in the backyard?

Windshield Glasses and Pitcher

And last but not least, the most functional pitcher of all – the Viva Pitcher. This pitcher is great, because it has a separate chamber for ice, so it keeps your tea cold without watering it down!

Viva Pitcher

So what is your favorite kind of ice tea? Any great secrets or recipes out there?

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